Slavia has received UEFA Inspector’s report proposing further measures
The verbal incident on the pitch between Ondřej Kúdela and Glen Kamara remains at the assertion level. The UEFA Inspector has concluded that “in the absence of compelling evidence to determine the content of the remark made by Mr. Kúdela, the undersigned EDI is not in a position to confirm or contradict Mr. Kamara’s or Mr. Zungu’s account of events”.
The incident has been referred to the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body that shall now evaluate the evidence whether there was an insult or a racism-related insult. Decision on the player’s provisional suspension of for the next one UEFA club competition match has been rendered in the meantime. At the same time, the UEFA Inspector has proposed a disciplinary measure against Glen Kamara for his serious assault of Ondřej Kúdela that took place after the match.
In view of the pending UEFA disciplinary proceedings as well as the Police’s investigation we will not provide further comments on the matter.